Cullen Curtiss




Saturday, May 14, 2005


Our seeds are in the ground. They are probably just going to rest tonight and begin thinking about poking around in their new cool, wet home tomorrow. But what do I know? This is my first time planting a vegetable garden and I feel incredibly optimistic. It was a satisfying day, remarkably so. I'm sorry to all of you I thought were secretly ridiculous for believing that gardening is exercise - it is. I am weary. My fingers are sore; I've re-identified where my sacrum is; the sun has made my eyes a little bloodshot.

I think that my husband and I have been nervous over the years to build our own garden, so we haven't. For some reason it seems intimidating, but shouldn't it be instinctual? As we got into it, preparing the soil with compost we had created over the last year (beautiful stuff!), I think we did feel as if we knew what we were doing and we talked about how it would be to watch all of the seedlings become adolescents and then adults. In such a short time we would be caretakers of a wealth of food -- it was hard to believe. Of course, we could fail, but today I am hopeful and I wish my little seeds a goodnight's sleep.


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